We find ourselves in unusual times. Under normal circumstances, it might not occur to you to take a 'laughter break' in the middle of the day. Charlie Chaplain would argue, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." You might be feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the daily onslaught of confusing news or juggling shifting responsibilities at home - which may now be work, too. Feeling isolated from those you love, or just starting to date, but can't see. Or maybe you're seeing too much of people in close quarters with you and you've got nowhere to go. You've got cabin fever and haven't spent 5 minutes alone in weeks. Just thinking about all these things leaves you feeling completely burned out. Your normal support system is likely far away, quarantining from home themselves.
We are definitely all in this together. For the moment, that means that everyone else is so busy dealing with their own personal version of coping, even your closest friends and family may not yet have found themselves grounded enough to make time for you and your needs.
Take a deep breath. Go ahead, take another. I know how great that first one felt. It's been awhile since you did anything for yourself, I'm guessing. You are probably long overdue for a mental health check-in. Even if you don't think you've got a few minutes, I invite you to pause long enough to look at the image below and contemplate it for a moment. What bubbles up for you? Where do you find yourself on this list?
I'm sure you've often heard the saying 'Laughter is the best medicine.' While COVID 19, working from home and physical distancing are nothing to laugh about, laughter matters more than you might realize, and now is the perfect time to push reset and give yourself some much needed stress relief by taking a laughter break.
A little levity goes a long way. I know of no better way to recharge your battery, shift your perspective and reconnect with yourself and others than laughter. Don't take my word for it. There is increasing research about the healing power of laughter.
Each of us is called to offer our gifts to others we see in need right now. I am a laughter expert, and I find myself looking for ways to share my experience and expertise - with as many people as I can, as many ways as I can.
You are invited, alone or with (virtually) anyone you like, to join me for some serious laughter. I'm on Facebook Live daily. I host a weekly free conference call, and you can see a series of 'Laughter Breaks - Working from Home' videos on my YouTube channel.

In a matter of minutes I'll help you stretch your smile muscles, I'll tickle your funny bone and encourage you to unleash your ridiculous with unbridled, joyful laughter.
When you can't seem to quiet your mind, quiet the kids or meet the deadlines piling up on your desk, take a short break and gift yourself a healthy dose of laughter! When you're done with just one session, I hope you will revisit the mental health check-in again. It just may surprise you. It wouldn't surprise me if you start taking a daily laughter break! I'll be ready for you.
Mort Walker, American comic strip writer, knew all about laughter. He had it right when he said, "Seven days without laughter makes one weak."